Fishing and Bear Report for September 3rd

Lake Kabetogama Fishing Report

Surface temps on the lake are now in the low 60s and the fish, particularly walleye, seem to have moved out a little deeper. Pike are still relatively shallow and we're picking smallies off of mid-lake humps. As it has been most all summer, leeches are the ticket. If you're not using leeches, you’re missing out on a lot of action.

Bear Update

Kabetogama black bear

MN bear season is in full swing and opening day was a success for Kab Outdoors! As we've mentioned, our hunters generally have a 100% opportunity for a shot at a bear and this season is kicking off as usual. Our guests took 4 bears on opening day and another 2 the second day of the season. At this rate, we'll be in the double digits by Labor Day.

Kab Outdoors black bear hunter
Kab outdoors bear hunting

Enjoy Early Fall at Kabetogama

It’s always an adventure up here whether you’re out cruising around the islands of the National Park on the lake or out in the woods with a gun (or bow) in your hand. We still have a few late summer/early fall spots open at the resort, so claim your spot today before it’s gone. Come out and dip your toes in our heated pool and enjoy some quality time in the north woods as the leaves begin to change!

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Lake Kabetogoma Fishing Report For May 28th


"The weather pattern on Kabetogama this week has been interesting to say the least. First, sunburned to the point of being painful to get dressed, then temperatures plummeting into the mid-30s. Oh and let’s not forget the 180-degree reversal of the wind that blew hard from the southwest on Tuesday, before the 45-degree temperature drop turned it into a nor’easter for Wednesday.

When Kent pushed away from the Dock that morning, it was 42 degrees with a 20 to 25 MPH wind out of the north and snowing sideways. Kent said “My fingertips were still numb a day later. Luckily, my Simms ice gear was the ticket for keeping the rest of my body toasty warm and dry.”

Prior to the temperature crash, Kent and Kolby were both producing limits of fish for their crews. As you might expect though, the turbulent weather didn’t help in terms of keeping the fish on a hot bite. The shallow water action was affected most, Kolby’s favorite early season method of pitching jig and shiner combinations toward the shallows and working them back to the boat was put on pause.

Somehow though, despite the tough conditions, folks were still able to catch some fish. Fish had moved out to the breaklines and the key depth range was 18 to 28 feet, at least that’s where Kent and his crew had the most success. Some of the anglers who actually produced the best catches were the folks who stayed at the resort and spent their time fishing right here, from the dock! In this instance, they were the smart ones.

Honestly, it was a couple of tough days, but it looks like happy days are here again. Kent says that by late evening on Thursday, anglers had begun carrying walleyes into the fish cleaning house again. Memorial Day Weekend appears to offer more stability in terms of weather and that will help make this a productive period on Kabetogama.


Planning for your holiday weekend fishing trip will be fairly easy. Kent, Kolby and most of our guests are still using spottails as the bait of choice. Most folks add them to jig head in the 1-8-to-3-8-ounce size range, depending on how deep they’re fishing. Never forget, shiners, especially the larger ones can also be used on Lindy Rigs to produce excellent results. Sometimes, the slower presentation, combined with the minnows natural attracting power can leave walleyes powerless to say no. They will often take this presentation when more aggressive ones fail.

Lindy Rigs tipped with leeches is an option too, in fact leeches began flowing out of the bait shop last week. We’re waiting for some of the anglers who bought them to return with reports about how they produced fish and we’ll pass the info along to you when we can.

At the store, we have a fantastic selection of walleye jigs to choose from and they are available in both bulk and pre-packaged, with sizes ranging between 1-16 ounce and 3-8 ounce. So no matter where the fish go, you’ll have the right weight to get your bait in front of them.

Walleyes have captured the attention of most everybody, so northern pike are not getting a lot of attention. But as the accompanying photo proves, there are some big ones out there for anyone who wants to take a swing at catching them.


Kent has a passion for catching big pike by casting large, wood jerk baits like the Suicks. We’d encourage anybody who shares Kent’s passion for big pike and who’s interested in learning the ropes to stop by the store for a chat. We will show you the gear and Kent’s favorites lures for catching. By the way, you could really get a jump start by booking a guide trip, there’s no better way to learn the lake than that.

Our MinnKota trolling motor shop has been hopping, in fact strong sales have depleted inventories. But, we do still have a couple of standard, 24 volt Terrovas in stock and there are a couple of Ulterras with 60 inch shafts that were traded in last week.  Call to double check the availability, but we currently have both 24- and 36-volt models available.

The warm weather piqued folks’ attention for ice cream last week and sales were brisk. Don’t worry though, ice cream is one item we have plenty of, so stop in for a cone, a chat and maybe to do a little bragging about your catch.

This will be a busy weekend on the roads, so drive cautiously, with an eye on the ditches because both deer and bears will be wandering. We’ll see you when you get here to wish you good luck on the lake!

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SnoBear yields fishing fun on Kabetogama

"Experienced open water anglers, Todd, and Reed, hailing from central Iowa, told us that neither of them had spent much time ice fishing. They said too that before reading about KAB Outdoors, they hadn’t even known how to pronounce the word Kabetogama. But learning about our SnoBear rental combos, the idea of ice fishing piqued their interest. So, they booked a trip and drove on up to give ice fishing on Kabetogama a try.


During the pre-trip run through, I mentioned that if you can run a riding lawn mower, you’re qualified to run our SnoBear. Okay, so operating the machine is simple, but what about figuring out where to go and fish, they asked?

That is simple too, I already have the key fishing depths highlighted on the Lakemaster Chart that is loaded on our Humminbird Helix 10. Waypoints for the better fishing spots are loaded on the unit too and so are my trails, marks, and other helpful information.

Armed with a little information and a sense of adventure, Todd and Reed headed across the ice and look what they did. As you can see in the photos, folks who don’t have a lot of ice fishing experience can still find and catch fish, even on their first trip to the lake!

There’s no doubt that the comfort and efficiency of the SnoBear makes it shine as a fishing machine. But we learned this winter too that not everybody needs to catch a fish to make renting the SnoBear worthwhile. Some of our guests used it for playing on the ice, sightseeing in the Voyageurs National Park, or traveling to dinner at restaurants on the lake.

We’re thankful that the weather, the ice and the snow conditions combined to make this winter a fabulous one. In fact, it is hard to think of any way that things could have gone much better than they did.

But as the walleye season came to an end this weekend, we began pulling our fleet of rentals off the ice. For us, the time has come to put the ice fishing gear away and begin preparing for the upcoming open water fishing season.

We want to thank everybody who came up for a visit this winter and thanks to all of you who are making inquiries and reservations for next winter. By then, we’ll be chomping at the bit to get back on the ice, but for now, we’ll enjoy a little break in the action.

As the weather warms and we get closer to ice-out, we’ll begin posting fresh reports. In the meantime, thanks again for your support, we’re looking forward to seeing you again! Book your adventure today Contact KAB OUTDOORS or Call 218.875.2281.